The photos show most of the growing areas, although I’ve got some fruit bushes, including blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries, growing around the lawn also. The sunrises at the bottom of the garden on the other side of the shed so it pretty much gets sun all day. Access can be from the bottom of the garden ideally. One of the sheds is actually a greenhouse that’s been covered over so I would think about having the wood panels removed from it to have a greenhouse available. Soil is in good condition and been looked after since I’ve lived here. 3 compost bins available plus water butts. Negotiable, whether to share the space and work together on some weekends and evenings, or whether it’s completely rented in exchange for some of the produce.
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Raised beds in sunny W Yorkshire back garden
Back Garden in HX3 6BQ
Cancellation Notice Period
3 months
Hosted by
Eileen M
Free To Rent
Peaceful space
South facing
Accessed by
Street access
Typically available on
To be agreed with the renter
Equipment & utilities available
Watering Can
Weeding Hoe
Power Socket
Pitch Fork
Water butt
Compost bin
Plot Readiness
Trim or Tidy Required
Hosted by
Eileen M
Free To Rent